A mini course for photographers to boost your artwork sales so you can work less and earn more.


You've tried offering artwork but everyone just wants digitals.

You just feel frustrated you can't seem to find clients who value products.

You truly believe no one in your area will pay that much for artwork.

You're nervous even offering artwork and just aren't confident in your sales process.

to content and confident

Sound familiar?

Go from overworked and frustrated

Learn all my secrets on how to attract clients who truly WANT what you have to offer and increase artwork sales so you can work less and earn more per session.

Then you’re in the right place.

can you relate?

I was already doing IPS when I did a coaching call with her, but her guidance, support, and encouragement has been invaluable to my business! I definitely saw a huge increase in my sales per session after our call! She has even been so kind and generous to answer any follow up questions after our call. Learning from others in our field is something we should never stop doing, no matter where you are at in your journey. We can always learn and grow from each other. Marie is truly a gem of a person and anyone would be lucky to be mentored by her! I am so grateful to Marie! "

- Amber, Light Livin Photography

"Marie is truly one of the best mentors
out there!" 

You just feel like you don't live in an area where you can offer luxury products.

You know you need to earn more per session but feel capped with just digitals.

You want time back with your family so you're not overworking.

You've tried to offer products, and something isn't clicking.

or maybe...

The thing is, I wasn't successful when I first switched to offering artwork.

I went one year without artwork sales.

I thought my clients just didn't want artwork.

I didn't know how to attract those clients who did.

So I promise you...

It's not that clients in your area don't value artwork - I'll help you find the ones that do and make your offer irresistible. 

I've been in your shoes...


You open your inbox to see a response from two inquiries expressing a desire for an album and wall art!

You’re popping the champagne as you celebrate a 4-figure sale - from ONE session!

You're relieved knowing you don't need to book 8-10 sessions a month to get by anymore.

You feel peace and pride knowing you’re providing for your family, all while valuing your time.

You feel proud that you're fully serving your clients with printed art.

Just imagine what it would feel like...

You           attract clients who value art and increase your sales.


My step-by-step process to attract clients who value artwork to increase your sales.

portraits that sell 


which can only be found in...


Over 15 videos walking you through how to market to attract clients wanting artwork and how to get current clients interested in artwork.

How to choose and price products.

My exact client workflow with artwork touch points.

In-depth coverage of how to include artwork on social media, your website, and client process to convert clients.

How to transition to artwork and getting the first sale, regardless of where you live.

What you get


module one

We'll hone in on your why and the reasons for offering artwork so you can stand behind your products with confidence and excitement.

How the journey unfolds

intro & your why


module TWO

We'll talk about all the things you need to know to get started with artwork - from choosing products to pricing, I've got you covered for an easy start!

artwork fundamentals


module Three

I'll share my BIGGEST artwork tip that will set your business up for success so you can convince even digital files clients to walk away with art!

the main idea


module FOUR

I'll deep-dive into ALL of my artwork touch points for both potential AND current clients so your workflow is smooth and set up for artwork conversions!

the touchpoints


module Five

The in's and out's of how to get that first artwork sale and applying the right mindset to attract clients who WANT products.

getting the first sale


Album and wall art mockups you can use for your website, social media, and marketing to your ideal client!

 bonus time

When you confidently stand behind your pricing, you attract dream clients who trust you, which means you have not only more creative freedom, but higher sales.

I'm ready to increase artwork sales and have fewer sessions.

Let's transform your business

Not change anything and continue to work through years of frustration?

So what are you going to do?

Add these tweaks to transform your business?


find out more

It wasn't too long ago that I was working my full-time teaching job, trying to build my business to a place where I could leave my  job and be a full-time motherhood photographer.

I wanted to be able to spend more time with my kids, photograph sessions that fulfilled me creatively, and earn an income to support my family.

I ran into SO many bumps along the way - from hearing crickets after raising my prices to not being confident in what I had to offer. I just was struggling to get these dream clients I had heard so much about to find me.

I offered artwork for ONE YEAR with only one artwork sale (which was pretty much a fluke!). I thought my clients just didn't want artwork. Turns out, I was wrong. I added some tweaks that truly changed everything - and now most of my clients purchase albums or wall art.  

I will tell you EXACTLY how to attract clients who value products so you can increase artwork sales so you can work less sessions AND earn more.

meet marie.

- kelly

Marie is truly gifted as a teacher!! She is able to meet you where you are and walk along side of you to get you where you want to be, with constant support and words of encouragement every step of the way! Marie has helped me completely transform my business to serve clients in ways that I have always dreamed of doing, but wasn’t quite sure how. I’m so grateful! Investing in any education by Marie is worth its weight in gold!!

"Investing in any education by Marie is worth its weight in gold!!"

- Laura

Marie, having been a teacher before she became a photographer, is incredibly patient, empathetic and nurturing. She puts her whole heart into all of her course materials and is invested in the success of all of her students! Marie is quick to respond and incredibly generous with her time. She goes above and beyond, I could not ask for a better photography mentor! 

"marie provides practical things to implement that produce real changes."


“Marie’s kindness and compassion really shows. She is incredibly talented and wholeheartedly invested in your success. I have really enjoyed working with her and she has helped me in so many ways, I actually feel like not only has she become my mentor but a friend as well.” 

"She is incredibly talented and wholeheartedly invested in your success." 

what others are saying

frequently asked Questions

This course is perfect for photographers who are confident in their work and are ready to elevate their client experience by fully serving clients with art.



+ How are payments made?



What questions do you have for me?

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